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  • in reply to: Interim Task to prepare for CPLD Day 9 #10596

    Please find attached my Two Year Old Progress Check research and reflection.

    in reply to: Mindfulness #10474

    Thank for this Hayley, I’d definitely recommend my favourite site They have lovely resources to support these type of activities. The yoga pretzel cards are lovely and the mighty cards.

    I’m going to build an emotions tree on one of the outside fences and I’m hoping to be able to encourage a mindfulness zone and yoga zone in the lovely Spring sunshine/April rain 🙂 !

    I think for the older children – we struggle with space when they are all laying down, but we have ample space outside!!

    in reply to: Interim Task to prepare for CPLD Day 9 #10462

    You are so organised! Thank you!

    in reply to: CPLD day 7 interim tasks #10440

    Please find attached my interview with the SENCO at my setting.

    in reply to: CPLD day 7 interim tasks #10278

    My Critical review is attached below. Interesting to reflect about how much time some parents need and how we can communicate more with the quieter families.

    in reply to: Using real tools #10275

    Yes! Holly we love the golf tees too! we wrap up polystyrene… its a great way to introduce tools and sometimes reassure some parents that the children have had ‘training!’ 🙂 Also,I love the golf tees – it’s so therapeutic!

    in reply to: Discussion: Listening to children #10234

    My thought/ramblings

    In terms of our setting I feel that some staff are certainly stronger than others at listening (really listening) to children and that on a day to day basis this can change. I think it’s a skill that develops with time and practice. There are certainly techniques to make it easier, including circle time, turn taking, being at a child level and looking for opportunities to engage with children who have a ‘quieter’ voice. It is also impotatnt to reflect on some childrens behaviour and that they may be behaving in certain ways because they feel they are not being listened too, and of course that needs to be addressed immediately.

    I do think we are well trained to tune in quickly to anything regarding disclosure – child protection, but I think that is almost a different kind of listening. Almost like a red button is switched on!

    We have a wide variety of cultures and different family structures attending our setting and we like to celebrate this diversity. Taking the opprotunity to listen and share cultures is an impotant part of our setting and is a wonderful opportunity to engage with the whole family. We have a map in preschool with strings and pictures, conecting children to where their family lives, including extended family.

    In terms of cultrual capital – engaging with family and listening to children can only build your picture of a child. It underpins all planning, meaning the unique child is supported through all events in there life. I do believe at our settign we have a good picture of all our children, it simply makes your job easier if you understand the full picture!!

    Our setting are about to create access for the preschool children to a little free flow garden – I think this will be a lovely focused zone to enhance oppoutunities for listening, away from the busy room. Also, this will provide an oppourtnity to share meal times outside which, I think will provide time to build another regular sharing listening time.

    I really liked the idea of building in more time to share ‘what I’ve played with’ moments too (I think this was in a video yesterday or someone mentioned it). Although, we know what children are playing with because we are observing them, I think we might miss oppourtunities to hear them explain their playing and reflect too. (I think we make assumptions about what they are playing).

    At the moment I think our listening skills are really being utilised. Our limited contact with parents and family means we are listening for more information to buid our pictures, which ultimately is a good thing as maybe its really helping us to practice our skills and ‘tune in’. Even more so contending with masks!!!!!

    in reply to: CPLD day 7 interim tasks #10212

    I think in terms of British values we have (thank goodness) moved away from ‘children should be seen and not heard’, something my Grandad would have said! I think you can often see the immediate effects of boosted confidence and pride in a child who feels they have been really listened to and understood.

    This will undoubtedly feed into their futures; feeling successful and important, developing into integral members of society.

    in reply to: Discussion: Listening to children #10208

    I work part time at my setting and the children often want to all talk to me at once! I have complete freedom within my planning and over time have left much longer spaces dedicated to SST and to being able to really listen to the children.

    I do need to work on techniques with some children – particularly in the preschool room who will interrupt other children and interrupt their flow of thinking ab=nd expressing themselves.

    in reply to: Reflective log ‘Read on – Get On’ #9954

    Thank you Holly:)

    in reply to: Reflective log ‘Read on – Get On’ #9943

    Also on the EYFS thread Nicky mentions these can both be used as evidence 3.4.

    I sometimes struggle to decide the best piece of evidence to use – so if someone else suggests it helps! 🙂

    in reply to: INTERIM TASK CPLD DAY 05 #9937

    Hello. Please find attached my phonics audit and reflective log

    Many Thanks, Joley.

    in reply to: Phinics Audit #9936

    I’ve spelt Phonics wrong in the title!!! This took me a while too and I will admit I asked my 6 years old about some of it!! I’m now doing doing phonics every morning as part of home learning – so its good to put it into practice but also makes me blush when I’m corrected by my son! 🙂

    in reply to: Sustained Shared Thinking Task #9236

    This is a really helpful thread. I’ve got ideas in my head and feel like I’m better at talking about my thoughts than expressing them on paper. Am going to use that break down to stop me ‘Waffling!’

    in reply to: Interim tasks CPLD Day 1 uploads #9094

    I am working on it! It does tend to be the younger members of staff, and sometimes my larger than life renditions of songs about birds probably seem a little embarrassing. I think it comes down to staff dynamics, I’m sure their confidence will grow and I’m happy to role model as I think its really important that they feel comfortable about playing with language and storytelling without always having the structure of a book or a well know song. Especially of course in the outside environment where you don’t always have all the resources to hand when you are planning in the moment.

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