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  • in reply to: Interim Task to prepare for CPLD Day 9 #10592



    in reply to: Interim Task to prepare for CPLD Day 9 #10591

    Unfortunately, I’ve just now realised that my attempt to upload on morning of 15th was not successful. Trying again

    in reply to: Interim Task to prepare for CPLD Day 9 #10584

    I’m keen to be part of this process next week alongside an experience practitioner. Getting to know the child has been a process several months before the child had started at the setting.
    Parent interaction in this case has been really positive and engaged in the run up. It was really positive to feel like we knew a little more about this child before she walked through the gates.

    in reply to: Persona Dolls #10515

    Oh! Persona Dolls were mentioned just yesterday in a zoom I attended. I’d never heard of them before. Additional resources from the session are to be sent soon, I’ll keep an eye out if there’s something to forward to you. Another term I heard was ‘empathy doll’…assuming they’re the same thing.

    in reply to: CHANGE PROJECT WORKSHOP #10514

    Thank you!

    in reply to: Mindfulness #10470

    Ha, I’ve seen babies in some very advanced poses…all that lack of bone development! I do like a bit child pose myself.

    in reply to: Video – Attention Autism Bucket #10467

    Hi Nicky, this is what I learned, no formal training is necessary; just a lot of stage presence. I have at least one child in mind that could benefit. Keeping them in a chair from September will be a challenge for reception. After yesterday’s lessons it would be reasonable to reframe then as an externaliser.

    in reply to: Mindfulness #10466

    Thank you Hayley, that’s great. I think we’d benefit from something similar. Now that we venture indoors for a period our little darlings need to be coached for indoor voices because it’s all just a bit too exciting. You’ve inspired me to find a little yoga introduction for EY. I’ll look into the course you’ve described too.

    in reply to: CPLD day 7 interim tasks #10416

    Another attempt, SENCO interview

    in reply to: CPLD day 7 interim tasks #10414

    SENCO interview and review of parental partnerships.

    in reply to: Assignments #10313

    I’m joining your Pikler party folks! I’m trying to explode the title to pick out discussion points.

    in reply to: Discussion: Listening to children #10308

    After reading the article on the Mosaic approach I have reflected back to a recent freshen-up of our own outdoor setting.

    It now strikes me that the all decisions leading to the end results were made on the day by volunteering staff and their family members. We actually changed around the locations of play zones and we added a tented area (in the hope of having extra outdoor shelter for C-19 management during the upcoming colder winter period). I now feel that a lot of what was achieved had adult practicality as the driver.

    The change around did seem to come as a surprise to the children returning from their half term break. It did not seem welcomed by all; I observed some looking a bit confused and hesitant upon entering the area.
    I now view this as adults interfering with their play space without invitation. Of course, we applied knowledge of the interests followed by the cohort yet, I do wonder what they would have asked for themselves. If all staff had been present or engaged in discussion, would they have agreed or suggested other approaches?

    The one adaptation that does not appear to have been the success the adults intended was the introduction of the tent. I have observed that it is infrequently used by the children unless adult-led. It actually occupies the largest space of our outdoor provision. I believe it will be reviewed soon.

    If I happen to become involved with future provision redesign, I would approach with different thoughts on seeking for and listening to the child’s voice.

    in reply to: Using real tools #10244

    How fabulous. I’m a fan of the ‘helping-peg’ too.
    One of my earliest memories is of playing at the workbench in preschool hammering nails. (I doubt the 80’s had today’s levels of risk assessment.)

    in reply to: CPLD day 7 interim tasks #10220

    I imagine pandemonium too.
    I reckon my lot would be able to learn a little by experiencing choosing between two things by voting with their feet to stand in one of two marked spots if I carefully thought it through. If I try it I’ll report back.🤣

    in reply to: Discussion: Listening to children #10218

    Oh yes, I’ve seen circle time make good use of a talking stick.
    Perhaps, when I’m randomly ganged up on, I could carry a token in my pocket. If interrupted whilst listening to another child, I could give the interrupting child the token to hold to remind me they are next and assure them that I will listen. I will think on that.

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