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- AjamesKeymaster
Hi Kirsty,
Hope all is well with you. Have a look at the attached and let me know if this is it. If not, I’ll see what else I’ve got. Could you give me the quote you used, it might give me a better steer.
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AjamesKeymasterHi All,
You should all be receiving the CPLD day materials tomorrow. I have designed them as a ‘menu’ for you to choose areas/activities that are most pertinent to your development. I attach the powerpoint here to and the discussion themes are listed below, please contribute:
1. Read the document ‘I made a unicorn’.
Reference page 11, outline how you can plan for the effective use of blocks, including encouraging children to become engrossed.
What other resources could you introduce to extend the learning and why?
2. Watch the following clips:
Discuss: the element of the approach that interests you most and how you will translate this into your own practice
3. Read the document ‘Loose Parts Play’ a Toolkit
Choose an area of provision, either indoor or out (e.g. construction; role play; small world etc.) and outline how you could resource it using only loose parts resources. Detail what you think the learning potential of the resources are.Attachments:
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AjamesKeymasterHi all,
Early Education have included a lot of links and advice around the recent government announcements on school/nursery opening procedures that I thought you might find interesting:
COVID-19 updates (England)
Government has announced that early years settings and school nursery and reception classes are expected to re-open from 1 June, subject to the government’s “roadmap” conditions being met. They have issued the following guidance:
Details on phased wider opening of schools, colleges and nurseries (press release)
Actions for educational and childcare settings to prepare for wider opening from 1 June 2020 Coronavirus (COVID-19): implementing protective measures in education and childcare settings What parents and carers need to know about schools, colleges and other education settings during the coronavirus outbreak
Coronavirus FAQs: what you can and can’t do (Section 6 on schools and childcare)
The National Education Union have published a series of questions for government to address before schools are re-opened. We have asked government to ensure there is clear information on the scientific advice underpinning their decision to provide reassurance to the sector.
Further practical guidance is expected. If you have specific questions, please contact us and we will endeavour to ensure these are covered.
According the latest figures to end 30 April, 70% of state funded nurseries were open with an attendance of 4% of normal numbers, while 35% of other early years settings were open with an attendance rate of 5%.
Other updates from DfE include:
Guidance on temporary changes to the law on education, health and care needs assessments and plans due to coronavirus
Eligibility for government childcare offers protected – The Government has announced that any working parent usually eligible for 30 hours free childcare or Tax-Free Childcare will remain eligible if they fall below the minimum income requirement due to COVID-19. Subject to Parliamentary approval, parents who are critical workers will also remain eligible for these entitlements if their income has increased over the maximum threshold during the COVID-19 pandemic. Local authoritiesalso have the ability to relax the validity dates on 30 hours codes where parents were ordinarily eligible and expecting to take up a 30 hours childcare place between 1 April 2020 and 31 August 2020, but have missed the reconfirmation/application deadline of 31 March 2020. This will enable children to take up their places in the summer term. are therefore asking local authorities and childcare providers who are approached by critical worker and vulnerable child parents who have missed the 31 March deadline to accept their codes. Providers and local authorities will need to confirm that the child taking up the place did in fact turn three before 1st April 2020 to ensure they are eligible for a 30 hours place in the summer term. DfE are also encouraging parents to continue to apply for, and reconfirm, their 30 hours entitlement, even when childcare settings remain closed to all but vulnerable children and children of critical workers. This will ensure a smooth transition back into childcare when settings fully reopen.
Conducting a SEND risk assessment during the coronavirus outbreak – Updated to reflect the SEND regulations changes. Also added information about how the guidance affects children/young people with an EHC plan and a social worker and new information on how to keep staff and pupils safe and reduce the risk of infection in educational settings.AjamesKeymasterHi All,
Jess, the EYFS teacher at Newlands Spring has had an article published in NurseryWorld this week on storytelling. She has very kindly consented to me sharing it with you.
I would send you the link but you have to be a subscriber to access it, so I’ve copied it into a word document and attached it for you.
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AjamesKeymasterHi Amy,
Good to hear from you and I hope all is well with you!
Some ideas:
8.7:go onto the Essex website and research what the ‘Local Offer’ is – what are the implications for practice? Outline all the outside agencies that you/your setting have been engaged with. Use some of the evidence outlined in the last CPLD day to reflect on how this has enhanced your understanding and what the implications for your own practice are. Research further making a referral/putting together an EHCP – what evidence could be included? Who might be involved?
5.2: you could use the 0-2 supplementary materials (attached to save you looking!) and do a remote analysis of how your setting (or your additional) supports the learning and development of the youngest children; you could take one area of learning and development and do a reflective log on how the provision needs to be adapted against the expectations for the different age phases, using Development Matters; you could refer to your setting plan and do a critical analysis of how inclusive the provision is; you could take an element of Sustained Shared Thinking e.g. active listening and reflect on how you adapt this to meet children’s needs; you could write a very brief case study on a child who has required additional support to meet ARE and the strategies that you and your colleagues used to support them.If I think of anything else, I’ll let you know!!
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AjamesKeymasterHi All,
Early Education have sent through a range of support resources (below) that you might find useful for yourself or to pass on:
Playing and Exploring
The Gruffalo website
Siren films website has short courses using their video clips from Dr Sue Allingham and Anne O’Connor – supporting attachments
Octonauts on CBeebies if you feel inspired by Dr Verity Campbell-Barr’s blog on home schooling on our Early Education website
@RebeccaRHelm on Twitter is tweeting facts and pictures about the open ocean every weekday
@Emilydoodles on Twitter is the learning officer at Leeds Museum and is sharing fascinating scientific objects and facts – one week was all about sea creatures.
CreatingBird drawing – Matt Sewell on Instagram live bird drawing on Friday afternoons.
@ScholasticUK on Facebook are showing Julia Donaldson reading and performing songs live every Thursday at 4pm.
If you use Apple, Eric Carle: Artist and AR pioneer has enabled The Very Hungry Caterpillar AR to enter the (almost) real world with augmented reality!
Chester Zoo on Facebook have been live with their virtual zoo days and you can view their films afterwards on their page.
50 things activities to do in your back garden if you’re lucky enough to have a garden this has plenty of ideas. Alternatively, the 50 things to do before you’re five App offers many options.
Loving readingLove my Books are leading the #EYPictureBookClub hashtag. In April they focused on We’re Going on a Bear Hunt.
In May it is Oliver’s Vegetables which coincides with all those planting and growing opportunities at home and school.
Our Loving books together at home blog lists more links for accessing picture books
Explaining in child-friendly languageThe Scared Gang Have to Stay at Home book free to download gives a lovely explanation for young children
Nosy Crow free information book explaining the coronavirus to children – free to downloadAjamesKeymasterHi all,
Hope all is well with you. Thank you for contributions so far.
Amy, what you’ve added is really interesting and I think a further analysis/reflection on the points you made in discussion point 1 would be really interesting – almost a critical review of the setting’s protocols. This would also sit in standard 8.
Kirsty, the data should have been sent to you with the powerpoint but I’ve attached it here as well for your convenience.
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AjamesKeymasterLovely to have you on board Maria!!
Sage publishing have listed a few popular Home learning sites:
Thriving and Surviving at Home by Sue Roffey:
50 fantastic ideas to try at home by Alistair Bryce-Clegg:
Play School TV by Greg Bottril:¬if_id=1585506733977988¬if_t=feed_comment
Home schooling resources by Talis: Kirsty,
Apologies, totally overlooked that! I’ve attached it now, along with a couple of journals that might be of interest around parent partnerships – covers quite a few sub-standards!
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AjamesKeymasterHi All,
I’ve just picked up a couple of really good questions about evidencing two sub-standards remotely from Shannon and thought I’d share with you.
Sub-standard 3.3: you could refer to the CPLD day at the beginning of the year (KS1/2) and reflect on the differences between subjects on offer/how they are organised etc. like one of the activities we got you to do at the time.
You could also track an area (PD is a good one) and outline how this changes from EYFS into KS1/2.
In terms of the critical understanding element of the sub-standard, you could review the proposed new Early Learning Goals (I’ve attached a simplified version for you) and reflect on what you think the pros and cons are.
You could also look at a couple of documents that have heavily influenced policy, The Tickell Report and Bold Beginnings (both attached). Choose one and again, outline the pros and cons for practice.
Shannon also asked about using the SSTEW to evidence 8.6. Good idea, although of course the purpose of the SSTEW is to observe practice. However, in this instance if you just choose one item and reflect on the practice that you know in your setting or your own practice, this would work. I have created simplified versions of each of the SSTEW items, so if you want a particular one just let me know and I’ll send it. If you do complete one for evidence, just provide an annotation on what you think the implications for future practice are and what impact you would hope to see.
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AjamesKeymasterHi Kirsty,
Listed below are some ideas for evidence (that you might be able to access remotely) and if I think of any more, I’ll continue to add along with anyone else!
2.1: Any redacted tracking documents that you then annotate to reflect how you adapted practice/provision to meet a child’s emerging needs; any evidence you have on your tracked child, with a reflective log on how you adapted practice from one element of observation; element of your setting plan, with reflection, showing how you have adapted provision to meet children’s emerging needs
3.1: You could relate this to one of the earliest tasks we gave you – when we gave you a bank of popular theories and you had to choose one to discuss at the next CPLD day. Choose one and do an annotation around how it informed and changed your/other’s practice; have a look at the babies/child development CPLD day powerpoints and do some more research on an area that interests you and annotate with how it will inform practice; use the 0-2 Supplementary Materials document, take a section and use it as a guide to reflect on practice in your own setting.
4.5: I would really use your setting plan here. You could take one element and provide some research that you’ve conducted to inform the changes made; you could take another part and reflect on how the practice of yourself/others has changed in response to the change in provision; you could take another part and outline the impact it’s had on children’s learning/development. Even if the impact has not been as good as you had hoped, still worth reflecting on and what you’d do in the future.
5.1: Read the amplification, if you have any children that you’ve worked with who fall into any of these categories, then reflect on the behaviours they exhibited, strategies that staff employed, setting protocols, liaising with parents and outside agencies. You could also do some research on outside agencies/organisations that support some of the factors e.g. family break up/bereavement and outline strategies that you could use and you could put together an information poster/leaflet for staff/parents.
5.3:Reflect on the policies/procedures of your own setting and include any redacted information on particular children that you can, outlining strategies employed; you could refer to the inclusion CPLD day powerpoint and expand on some of the activities here, such as considering some of the scenarios or ‘Aldo goes to school’ (attached). You could also research the school where you did your KS1 placement or other local primaries and see what they have in place for EAL children and consider what strategies you could use/adapt in your own setting.
5.5: Again, reflect on outside agencies that have worked in your own setting, using any redacted referrals or blank sheets or protocols that the setting has used. You could also do some research around your Local Offer in connection to some of the agencies listed in the amplification. You could also take an area such as Speech and Language and research this further – The Communication Trust is a great way to start and the ‘Universally Speaking’ documents are really informative.
6.1: if you have evidence of completing a 2 year check, include that here with an annotation around the implications for practice/provision. If not, then source a blank one (either from your setting or from an example online) and outline the kinds of things you might be observing for children who at, below, exceeding ARE. You could also do some research on primary schools to see how they approach completing an EYFS profile, reference this to the gov guidelines (profile handbook).
6.2: Reflect on all the ways your setting informs parents of their children’s progress and critically evaluate it. I have attached an audit that might help. You could also consider how you adapt practice/provision in response to information parents have given you on their child.
6.3: Refer to all the ways you give feedback to parents and especially children – how does your setting engage in SST, formative assessment? Use the SSTEW document and maybe Julie Fisher’s ‘Interacting or interfering’ to reflect on whole staff effectiveness.
7.1:Take elements of ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education’ and consider how they are practically enforced, including how the setting ensures that all staff are kept up to date and practically engage with it daily. Include any training certificates (within 2 years) with annotations on how it informed your practice.
7.2:Outline all the daily practices here, including how you engage children in keeping themselves safe and healthy. Refer to government/WHO guidance on healthy eating and exercise – what part does the setting play in informing children/parents?
7.3: Use some scenarios and outline how you would respond. You could include a mock cause for concern form. You could include the categories of abuse and what signs to look out for and who you would inform, including outside agencies.
8.4:You could outline the range of strategies that you used when working with colleagues on your Additional Placement Project/Change Project/Setting Plan including how you addressed lack of engagement, resistance to change, lack of resources, professional dialogue, including parents, sharing your ideas/vision, using data/evidence as a reason for change, feedback from stakeholders etc.
I hope that helps but happy to provide more if you need it!
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AjamesKeymasterDanni Strange, Head of EYFS at Braiswick Primary School has kindly given us permission to share her blog about ideas for home learning. This could be shared with your parent community or indeed, used with your own children!
AjamesKeymasterAbi has kindly shared a piece of work she has undertaken for her Additional Placement project. She has used the 0-2 Supplementary Materials that Nicky and I put together to audit practice and provision.
This, along with the SSTEW, would not only support your projects if you have chosen a similar focus but would also provide an excellent piece of evidence for your portfolio if you have already conducted an audit using either of the documents.
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AjamesKeymasterAlex has very kindly shared a link for you and your parent community to access to support them with home learning. She is hoping to add to this each week and, with her permission, I will share it here as she does so.
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