Home Forums Maths Turn over to Twenty

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    So my game for the maths task is called ‘Turn over to Twenty’ and basically is matching pairs which equal 20. The game has numicon and numbers on on the cards. If a school doesn’t use numicon it can be adapated with dominoes, dots or just numbers. The purpose of the visuals however is to help in using pictorial (and even concrete) if real numicon were used.

    Eventually, the aim would be to just use number cards after children have securely learned their numebr bonds to 20. I think children find number bonds to 20 quite tricky because so much emphasis is placed on counting to 10 and so to progress from there may need a little extra help and emphasis.

    If children have been taught in a mastery approach, hopefully they can see numicon as representing values. Then they can also use concrete such as beads/frames/ counters, blocks and scales. Pictorial such as ICT, dots, fingers and toes. Hopefully number binds to twenty will become as familiar a learning their times tables and they will be confident in answering the abstract number sentences.

    Benefits of this game:
    – It is cheap
    – It can be sent home
    – It is versatile
    – It is straight forward
    – There can be 2-4 players
    – It is short and pacey
    – It is fun—-I hope

    Downsides- I realised as I was cutting the cards out that the children will be able to figure out what numbers they are turning over as they are different sizes. I would cut them all the same size and laminate them in school.


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