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    Hey everyone just wondered if anyone has tackled the sustained shared thinking task, that is due in in December yet.


    Hi Holly,
    not as yet however it’s very much on my mind with the realisation that we close for half term this week. That’s come up quickly!
    I’ve scheduled to go back into my notes from CPLD day 2 to remind myself of the task. I’ve enjoyed the Kathie Brodie text from our book bag on SST and it’s definitely made sense to my brain and helped me to interact more meaningfully with the children instead of wasting questions so to speak.
    Are you ready to begin your task?


    Actually, I cannot access the resources for CPLD Day 2 as my device says it’s corrupt. My written notes from the PowerPoint, just before the Goswami section, say I was expecting an email with the SST task to be sent out after our session however, I remember my email address was an issue at that time and I can not find it.
    Please may some kind soul detail the tasking on here for me? Thank you Holly for prompting me to check this out.


    Hi Arlene
    I have attached the task that was sent, hopefully you will be able to open it and save it!

    I haven’t started just yet but I am going to make a start fairly soon. Like you Arlene I have found the text fascinating and I have really started to take note of mine and others interactions with children. I am even using the knowledge to deliver an all staff meeting on SST (!) which I think will really help, and be useful for my portfolio.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by hayleyauffret.

    Hayley, you’re a life saver. I have saved it now. Thank you so much.
    Good luck for the staff meeting. Let us all know how that goes, please?
    I have shared the SSTEW audit book and the manager is ordering a copy for the setting. It’s encouraging to experience that what we learn on the course is well received.


    I’ve only received my books at the start of the week, but I am now also on half term so hoping to give it a good go this week. I’ve just had a brief look through some of the other books and they also have brief bits on SST. Also going to see if I can find relevant power point from CPLD day.
    Hoping to get it out the way before anything major is dropped on us.
    That’s really good Hayley good i


    Do you think we will have to reference in this piece and how.
    When I did my degree I used Harvard referencing if anyone else knows what that is.


    Hi Holly

    You don’t have to reference this task but great if you want to use the Harvard style if you do!


    Ok thank you Nicky.


    How is everyone getting on with this task?

    I have got lots of ‘bits’ that I want to incorporate into my writing but I am finding it hard to get started and make it into a cohesive piece of work!

    I haven’t written or done analysis on a piece of work for quite a few years so it’s trying to get my brain in gear but with parents evening, children self isolating, lockdown and now reports and a Christmas play looming, my brain is going from one thing to another!!


    Hi Emma,
    Honestly sounds like you have made a good start, I’m currently making lots of notes that I feel are relevant (but I know have probably gone on a tangent and will be scribbled out at a later date!) I always find it helpful to have a definition of the key words in the question to refer to so I can remember exactly what I am focusing on, and other than that I split the question in to sections to focus on singularly and then bring together at the end.
    Not sure this is any help haha!


    Hi Holly – the trainees I’m mentoring are think about it and reading round the theme. Julie Fisher – Interacting or Interfering is a good place to re-visit, to remind you of how she analyses what she sees/hears. Also look at the marking criteria in your trainee handbook as you prepare to write.
    Kay D


    Emma, you’re not alone!
    Despite my best intentions (see above…and do not let it fool you that I’m organised) life has derailed my plan to begin.
    I’ve pledged to simply splurge down all of my thoughts on to a piece of paper. There will be no particular rhyme or reason to it but at least it will be out of my head, I’ll feel like I have started and I can ruminate on it instead of worrying any further.
    Keep being kind to your brain, it sounds very stretched.x


    Some help….

    The Julie Fisher book is a great resource for supporting your reading around SST.
    When analysisng the transcript try breaking it down to explore each of the following:
    Active Listening
    Positive relationships
    Following the child’s interest
    Open questions / pondering / thinking out loud
    Providing a simple narrative / effective dialogue
    Modelling creative thinking

    Good luck people – you’ve got this!


    Thanks for that Nicky. I have something drafted up that I managed to write over the half term, but going to go back and make sure I’ve incorporated those headings. I found the SST thinking book very helpful.

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