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    Good morning all and thank you for all your hard work with your interim tasks.

    I’d like to give some general feedback for the SSTEW task in this post and will comment on the reflective logs in the next.

    Having read them all, my main observations are:

    – there is clearly a breadth of strong practice in your settings along with good, accessible provision to support both discrete and child-initiated learning
    – some of you have highlighted some issues around points 5.2 and 5.3, with the use of props needing to be slightly limited due to COVID guidelines. Many of you have found ways around this with the use of such things as story spoons; story mats and other ‘wipe-clean’ props. It would be good to see what else you can come up with
    – many of you highlighted point 7.1 (using factual books to support concepts) as an area for development. I think it is important to note here that such materials should not only be on hand in an area to discuss but should also be sought out by staff whilst children are engaged in developing and consolidating a concept to a deeper level, in order to make connections to prior learning and experiences. Such practices are a good way of helping to commit learning to long term memory.

    Going forward, it would be interesting to keep a track of the frequency points 5-7 are executed and the variety of contexts, as well as how the provision and practice evolves with the interests and developing competencies of the children.

    Very well done all!


    Please find attached my interim tasks.


    Please find attached my interim task for Day 1


    Please find attached my Literacy audit.


    Interim task – theorists.

    Some exceptionally good analysis of theories and clear links to practice/provision, alongside some really interesting observations of how pedagogy can be developed.

    In brief from my group:

    Piaget – rigidity of stages was discussed; criticism of developmental milestones that indicate that children develop at a slower rate than subsequent theorists believe; the importance of self-discovery and the enabling environment; taking the stages of development into account when considering transition protocols and parent partnerships

    Vygotsky – analysis of the role society and language play in cognitive development; much discussion around the More Knowledgable Other (MKO) and the Zone of Proximinal Development (ZPD); links between ZPD, scaffolding and ‘In the moment planning’; using a child’s current state of ZPD to inform planning; the observation that mixed age groups can be advantageous as the older children could fill the role of MKO

    Bowlby – behaviours and phases of attachment; implications for transition arrangements and parent partnerships, including the ‘All about me’ documents and stay and play sessions; using the research as an opportunity to disseminate to staff and plan protocols for supporting behaviours

    Schema – repetition of behaviour, moving in stages; importance of a ‘look, listen and note’ pedagogy, whereby the teacher does not interact too readily and so disrupting the play; importance of ensuring there is adequate provision to support the schema; using opportunities to incorporate a child’s schema into a social activity e.g. socio-dramatic play; opportunities for teachers to use a schema to develop and consolidate a child’s scientific/mathematical understanding of a concept e.g. weight/movement

    Very well done everyone and I look forward to tomorrow!


    Interim tasks for CPLD day 1 attached


    Gosh folks, as a newbie to the EY world, it’s encouraging for me to find some links between actual theorists and what I think I’ve naturally been trying to do in my interactions with the children…there’s hope for me!


    My SSTEW sub scale 4 item 10 interim task


    Thank you Debbie

    Great to identify the need to use more open questions and importantly allow children thinking time – how will you lead your colleagues to improve their practice in this aspect?


    To start I looking forward to giving the thinking prompts ago


    Great idea!

    Tim Keasley


    Just managed to sort the log in…!

    Here’s my research about Erikson


    Jess Mace
    Interim tasks attached

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