Home Forums EYFS CPLD day 23rd April: Assessment

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    Please refer to the powerpoint and materials sent to you and attached.

    Correlating discussion themes are:
    1.Share experiences and approaches to completing Progress Check age two
    2. How you would communicate Jaden’s attainment in Moving and Handling
    3. Share practical strategies you could give to parents/carers in relation to specific areas of learning development
    4. Extending children’s ideas: What are the teaching strategies employed to support children’s progress?


    Hi everyone! Hope you are all safe and well! Just went through the PowerPoint and have some comments below:

    Forum Discussion 1: In my setting, we complete the Essex template for the 2 year old check as much as we can, and then invite the parents in for a meeting to discuss all of its elements and let the parents talk about any concerns they have. On reflection, do parents need to have a copy of the 2 year old check to take away with them, allowing them to share with other professionals if need be? At my setting we just put it in the learning journey which is given to the children when they leave. Would it be best practice to give the parents a copy sooner?

    Forum Discussion 3: In our recent parent questionnaire, results showed that a lot of our parents use our Facebook page to update themselves on dates etc. So activities have been posted on there daily! They follow a theme each week and we have got really good feedback from them. If anyone wants to take a look here is a link: https://www.facebook.com/squirrelspreschoolcolchester/. We are currently looking into how we can ensure our children are school ready from home, so any ideas from anyone I would be really grateful!

    Evidence Questions: I have a two year old check copy that I can put in as evidence, shall I write a reflection with it on the implications for practice/provision?

    Thank you for any email received! Amy x


    HI Amy,

    Thank you for your contibutions…I think that a reflection on the implications for practice and provision alongside the 2 year progress check would be great!

    Nicky x


    Hello Nicky!

    Brilliant thank you! Sorry one more question, with our setting mentor observations, should we also complete a reflective account to go alongside that too?

    Amy x

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by AmyClifton1.

    Hi Amy,

    I think if the setting mentor observations are a high quality and have had an impact on your practice then yes a reflection on how this has influenced / shaped your practice would be relevant and useful.

    Hope you are keeping well?

    Nicky x


    Brilliant thank you Nicky, all good here thank you. Hope you are keeping well!

    Amy x


    Hi Ladies,

    Slide 30 refers to attached data – where might I find it?

    K 🙂


    Hi all,

    Hope all is well with you. Thank you for contributions so far.

    Amy, what you’ve added is really interesting and I think a further analysis/reflection on the points you made in discussion point 1 would be really interesting – almost a critical review of the setting’s protocols. This would also sit in standard 8.

    Kirsty, the data should have been sent to you with the powerpoint but I’ve attached it here as well for your convenience.



    Thank you Amanda


    Hi All,

    You should all be receiving the CPLD day materials tomorrow. I have designed them as a ‘menu’ for you to choose areas/activities that are most pertinent to your development. I attach the powerpoint here to and the discussion themes are listed below, please contribute:

    1. Read the document ‘I made a unicorn’.
    Reference page 11, outline how you can plan for the effective use of blocks, including encouraging children to become engrossed.
    What other resources could you introduce to extend the learning and why?
    2. Watch the following clips:

    Discuss: the element of the approach that interests you most and how you will translate this into your own practice
    3. Read the document ‘Loose Parts Play’ a Toolkit
    Choose an area of provision, either indoor or out (e.g. construction; role play; small world etc.) and outline how you could resource it using only loose parts resources. Detail what you think the learning potential of the resources are.



    What format will the Zoom meeting take tomorrow? I have three children at home (the youngest being 5) so I’m not sure how available I can be (physically and mentally!)…Thank you!


    HI Kirsty

    Please don’t worry if you can’t make the zoom meeting – it’s really a ‘keeping in touch meeting’ , to say hi and see how you are all doing! ( And to see all your beautiful faces!).

    I’m going to try and organise another keeping in touch zoom in early June!

    Take care of yourself,

    Nicky x

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